Richmond Area NRail moved into the Ashland, Virginia clubhouse in 1998, maintaining a purely NTRAK modular layout until 2017.
The last 4 years witnessed the additions of the Blue Ridge & Western Railroad, the Milton & Monterey Branch line, Richmond Area T-TRAK, and several refurbishment and community service projects within the neighboring storage Depot.
In January 2021, the international NTRAK organization rebranded as NRail to capture the expansive efforts representing N Scale model railroading in every corner of the globe.
RANRAIL, by the numbers, reflects the very same expansion. Under one NRail umbrella, RANTRAK, RAT-TRAK, and the BReW RR all serve as special interest groups of the Richmond Freelance & Prototype Model Railroaders (RF&PMR).
RANRAIL represents more than 30 Club members in the Central Virginia region.
RANTRAK began circa 1981 as an offshoot of Lynchburg NTRAK. The full history and numbers of NTRAK-NRail can be viewed at www.NRail.org .
RANRAIL numbers keep growing. You are invited to join our N-spired adventure. Send us an email to ranrail.org@gmail.com or call 804-412-8425.